Connecting and engaging with our target audience is crucial. Learn what types of technology your business can use to personalize content in real-time based on what the user’s interests.
Each UI is essentially “hand-crafted”, with designers trying to improve specific aspects without a clearly-defined scope (usually caused by silos between design and product teams) and undocumented institutional knowledge from designers who built related UIs previously. Every new UI or update is an inconsistent offshoot of what’s come before.
This causes massive inefficiencies and very low consistency in the user’s experiences while trying to complete a single job. It also makes it nearly impossible to test and improve quality over time, especially at scale. For developers, it can be massively frustrating to make seemingly (and most likely) arbitrary changes to UI components that eat up significant time.
Design systems are the ticket to the future
After two years leading the IBM Cloud team’s customization and deployment of the Carbon Design System, I’m now at InVision consulting with some of the world’s most advanced design system teams. In my short time here, I’ve realized that the vast majority of companies are building UIs the same way cars were built before Henry Ford’s assembly line.
The newest evolution of design systems, however, offer the chance to jump digital production lines 100 years into the future. Design systems do a whole lot more than common component libraries. They act as a central source for company-wide and department-level governance, synced tokens from design through production code, a clear contribution model, and a centralized, easy-to-update “monument site” housing all this content together.

“ We are embarked as pioneers upon a new science and industry in which our problems are so new and unusual that it behooves no one to dismiss any novel idea with the statement that ‘it can’t be done! ”
Some benefits of real-time personalization:
- Quick to discover insights
- Reduce friction in the customer journey
- Ability to see consumer interests in the customer journey
- Ability to increase customer loyalty and retention
That’s all folks! Thanks for sticking till the end.